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Transpose Collection - Rows to Column

Level 3
Hi all,   Has anyone had any luck transposing a collection from rows to column? In short, I have a collection with one row and many columns which I transpose in order to get many rows with two columns (name & value). Now I want to transpose it 'back' again to its original state. I have tried to look into the code of the transpose action, but without any luck.  Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Sebastian

Level 15
Have you tried the transpose collection action in the collection utility vbo?  I have never used it myself but it might be what you are after, if not the code in it might be a starting point for you.

Level 3
The problem with the transpose collection action is that it can only transpose from column to rows, but not 'back' again. I have tried looking at the code, but my coding skill are limited, especially in Blue Prism 🙂