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'Field Doesn't Exist Within This Collection' Message when the field does exist


This is a bit of a strange issue as it only affects the process sometimes, but when it does it affects it for quite a while which means that no work can be completed for the whole day.

I have a process which uses an Excel file for configuration settings. This allows the staff who the process completes the work for to update the Excel file regularly to change the settings of the robot without having to contact us. The sheet they update most often is a Rota sheet, which determines which staff are working that day and therefore who the robot should assign work to. On most days, the process can complete with no issues.

On some days though, the process fails at the beginning as it cannot find a column in the collection, despite this column clearly existing on the worksheet. There does not seem to be any reason or circumstance that connects the instances where this fails. 

The process takes around 45 minutes to run, and so sometimes the process fails due to the system it interacts with running slow or crashing overnight. The process runs overnight, with the first run beginning at 00:30, and repeating every half an hour until 6am. Once the process has run successfully, the subsequent runs are skipped. When this error occurs, every run that night is affected, but by the time we get to the office in the morning, the issue cannot be reproduced.

It is always the same column that produces the error.

Has anyone ever experienced anything similar and has any ideas/solutions?








Is this a custom VBO created internally in your company?

If you are using a Blue Prism VBO, what VBO are you using?

What action fails when using the VBO?


I'd start by assuming the error is correct and the field genuinely did not exist in the collection at that moment, and somehow the collection content was different than expected. Could the people updating the file be somehow having a downstream effect on how the DW reads the data? I'd recommend increasing the logging level temporarily so you can check what data the process is reading in.

Hi expertcr,

I am using the MS Excel VBO action Get Worksheet As Collection to read the worksheet.

After the sheet is read, a Multi Calc is used to copy the values of two columns to an 'AllUsers' collection. Then, a decision stage checks if the user is available for work that day. If they are, a second Multi Calc is used to copy the same two columns, along with column 'S01' to an 'AvailableUsers' collection.

When the process fails, it always fails during the Multi Calc when trying to reference the column named 'S01'. There are no issues with reading or referencing any other columns



Hi John,

I'll try to increase the logging and hope that this maybe shows a variation in what is being read, although it would be hard to know why it is missing this column during the Get stage, even if the error is correct.

The process only runs from midnight-6am, so there should be no staff updating the fil