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UI messed up after install

Level 3
I recently installed Blue Prism 5.0 on my laptop (Latitude E7470) that runs Windows 10 and I am running into an UI issue where fonts and buttons are either too small or too big and objects are overlapping other objects sometimes even hiding buttons. I attached a screenshot to display the issue. I have installed Blue Prism on multiple environments but only run into this issue on my laptop. I am wondering if it is a compatibility issue with Windows 10 or maybe SQL Express 2016. Has anybody else run into this issue before?

Sounds like your desktop is zoomed up to 125% - that distorts the structure on some parts of the UI. Bring it down to 100% and it should sort it out.

Level 3
I've tried messing with the zoom settings as well. Going to 100% doesn't seem to fix the issue.

Might be worth raising a support ticket then. It can't be anything to do with SQL Express, so the only thing I can think of is the Windows font, which I think us normally is Segoe UI. I use BP v5, W10 and SQL Express 2016 without any problems.

Level 3
Same thing here, I worked on Blue Prism version 4x and 5x on Windows 7 and Windows server editions. But when I installed blueprism on windows 10, the UI font for blueprism is comparatively very small thus making very difficult to work with. Not only me but also everyone has same issue while blueprism is installed on Windows10..

Level 3
Ah. It actually was the zoom settings. You have to sign out and sign back in before it will affect Blue Prism though.

Level 2
This could be because of the DPI settings on Windows10. 1) Open BluePrism executable properties 2) In Compatibility tab, under Compatibility mode check the option ""Run this program in compatibility mode for:"" and select ""Windows 7"". 3) Under Settings, check ""Disable display scaling on high DPI settings