@TomasKochan2You have all this information in the DataBase, but is not easy to check.
First you have the table [BPAProcess]. In the field "processxml" you have all the information about the Business Objects and Business Process. To know wicth kind of object is, check the field ProcessType; P = Process and O = Object.
Now changes... You have this table [BPAAuditEvents]. In this table you can see all change across the platform. To join these two tables use this: [BPAAuditEvents].[gTgtProcID]= [BPAProcess].[processid]
In the audit table you have the newXML field, here you have the information.
The comparation of the xml from the BPAProcess and BPAAuditEvents will gives you the changes.
Hope this helps you!
See you in the community, bye
Pablo Sarabia
Altamira Assets Management