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VBOs cannot be accessed or seen after import

Level 2
Hello, I am importing VBOs into Blue Prism without any error. However, once imported, VBOs dont display in the Studio and processes cannot access these VBOs. I have no idea what the issue might be - anyone experienced this?

Level 12
It's a known bug. Two ways to resolve are to either log out and in again, or to open another existing object and close it. Anything you already have open prior to the import process won't be able to see it until it shows up on your client after doing one of these things. Only after they show up in the Process/Object Studio, will clicking the refresh button within the process allow them to show up as usable actions.

Level 2
Thank you for your help, however neither reloging or reopening another VBO did help (not even PC restart). The issue resolved itself somehow, when I deleted one object, suddenly all imported objects appeared. 

Level 12
How strange. I've noticed, at least in 5x, that certain actions such as the ones I listed trigger some sort of refresh action. It's troubling that you would need to delete an object for it to trigger - you may want to file a ticket or an enhancement request.