03-09-20 02:52 PM
I am trying to make a process that will run 3 times(14th , 15th and 16th ) in a month. If the process runs successfully on the first day then there is no need for it to run on the 2nd and the 3rd day. To achieve this, I thought I will place an excel file in a folder and that excel file will just have a flag variable "Successful Run".
On the 14th of every month the first thing the BOT will do is open this excel file and make "Successful Run = NO" and if the process is executed successfully just before end the BOT will again open the file and update the flag to "Yes".
Problem: Since the BOT is dependent on the excel file to check whether the run was successful or not this will cause an issue in case the excel does not respond.
Potential solution: Is there a way that this successful run flag can be created within Blue prism?
03-09-20 03:54 PM
03-09-20 04:04 PM
03-09-20 05:54 PM