Dear team,
I've noticed a weird behaviour for the classification reports which are available on the platform.
If I classify a batch with the correct document type (I dont modify it) and then if I verify the data capture and submit then I can see the batch in the reports.
However if I classify the batch as another document type that the one inputed by default and then I verify the data capture and submit, I cannot see the batch in the reports. I can still see the batch in the data capture report.
Is it an expected behaviour? If yes, how can I monitor the classification accuracy then?
Additional question, do you confirm that as long as the batch is not completed (data capture verified and submitted), it won't be available in the classification reports anyway? If it is the case, is there a way to still access the info or it needs to be completed first?
The two reports about the classification that I am taking about:
Xavier Gruchet