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Forum Posts

Excel VBO - Adding A New Row

I am currently doing some development where I need to obtain data from an excel spread sheet. This is the first time we have come across a file where the headings are down the side rather than across the top so when we go to get the spread sheet rang...

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How to check for NULL values?

What is the recommended way of testing for NULL values? For example I have created an Image type page input that is stored in a Data Item without setting an initial value (empty). I would like to test if the Image Data Item is empty at the start of t...

Reading HTML Name

I have spied an HTML element. I have listed all of the attributes provided to us in the Application Modeller in a collection. I looped through this collection sending every attribute to a Read stage to read the attribute of that element. Of the 20 H...

Word VBO

Hi everyone, this is my first post in this forum so please be gentle. Is there a Word VBO similar to the EXcell VBO I try to transform a Excell Sheet into a Word Report and need therefore a similar VBO, and wanted to ask if there is something pre ...

Launching Internet Explorer

Hi, I'm having trouble with a process I'm writing which is launching Internet Explorer (IE8). The launch is failing with '"ailed to perform step 1 in Navigate Stage 'Launch' on page 'Launch' - Launch failed." It appears to be because a 'Windows Se...

Run a Macro in Excel?

Hi everybody, Sorry if the question is obvious, I am rather new to BluePrism (and not entirely a VBA expert either). I am trying to make the bot run a macro in an Excel sheet. However, I cannot seem to make the code work. Normally I would just use...

Hot Keys

If a text field requires you to press enter rather than click a button to perform a search. How would you do that in Blue Prism? Also, how would you do it for other keys, e.g. CTRL, TAB, etc. Thank you in adavance.

Accessing a historical version of an object

Doe's anybody know if I can access a historical version of an object? I have been into System Manager>Business Objects>Business Object History and have found the object and can see historical version which I can view. But I want to be able to edit ...

How to send keystrokes in Navigation stage?

Navigation stage documentation states that is is possible to send keystrokes. I need this in an HTML input field, after the inserted text I need to hit Enter. The Navigate stage Action dropdown does not offer me that choice. What to do? (The field ...

NG Java script

Hi Has anyone managed to interact with what appears to be a NG script on a web site. Trying to get a new application operational and it appears that one of the menu options use this script to navigate. Manually there are no key board shortcuts. T...

Cannot spy "Leave this page?" popup in IE

A "Leave this page?" popup sometimes appears in IE when that is not appropriate (no page is being left, only some download link clicked..). See attached picture. We want to capture such an event in our robotization. Trouble is, I cannot find a way to...

IE Notification bar with Save button issue

In the Web application we are robotizing (ISM = Maximo) clicking on some document links make an IE notification bar (-not- a popup window) appear with Open and Save buttons on it. (see attached screenshot) Spying these buttons only works in AA mode. ...