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could not identify process owning the current foreground window

Level 2
Hi, A scheduled process is terminating with the following error "could not identify process owning the current foreground window" at the stage where i have used a window element to activate. what could be the cause for this?

If you have used RDP to connect to a remote machine then the desktop will have been destroyed once you disconnect. Although a BP process can run without a desktop, as soon as it tries to do something like Activate (or global mouse click or a screenshot) it will fail. However sometimes you can get that error for no obvious reason. In these circumstances I find the easiest solution is to put an exception handling around the navigate stage, add a 1s pause and then try Activate again. It's very much a 'sticking plaster' fix but it usually works.

I was having this error when, at the end of the process, I was closing the Chrome window spied with Win32.  I had in the "Close" navigation stage two actions: Activate Application and Close actions. Once I have removed the Activate Application action, the process completed just fine.

Thank you John for putting me on the right track!

Gabriela Baba
ROM Architect
Blue Prism