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currently logged on users

Level 11

Is there a way to find out who is currently logged on in Blue Prism?
I know this can be queried via WS interface (http://localhost:8181/connections) but this does not work in SSO environments.
And I cannot find some equivalent comment for automate or automateC. 


Walter Koller
Solution Manager
Erste Group IT International GmbH

Hi Walter, 

If the working environment is based on the SSO, then you could use the following Windows native command remotely to find out currently logged on user of the Blue Prism.

query user /server:MyRuntimeResource01 

Jega Avinasinathan
Customer Support Engineer
Blue Prism
Jega Avinasinathan Customer Support Engineer Blue Prism


thanks for the command, this will come definitely handy when one of our VDI is blocked again 🙂

Unfortunately it does only show local sessions of the /server but not who is generally logged on to Blue Prism application server

Walter Koller
Solution Manager
Erste Group IT International GmbH

My initial thoughts are either querying the database tables to get the information or you could work with the data under "Audit Logs" in the "System" tab. The audit log stores information on who has logged in at what time and when they've logged out.


Joakim Eklund
Senior RPA Developer
Swedbank AB

It would be a good feature to know what client connections are logged into the Blue Prism environment.   I need this when performing upgrades.  I warn the team of the planned upgrade/outage.   I check that all runtime resources have gotten to a Logged Out status or cause them to log out.   I check for any LOCKED processes or objects, a client using the environment such as in the development environment, by querying the BPAProcessLock table (add a JOIN to the BPAProcess table to see the name of the process or object).  This gives me the best and easiest view of users that are using the system and would need to save their work.   I also check the BPAUser table to see when users have logged in recently (order by lastsignedin DESC).  Yet, per the Audit Log suggestion in this thread, it is better to use the BPAAuditEvents table and filter on the sNarritive field being LIKE %logged into% or %logged out% and order in descending order (I used a MAX function to get the latest/newest event per the narrative to see the last logged in event and logged out event for each user.   It takes some scanning of the data to see if a person is logged in or recently logged in but has logged out.   So far, I have found it easier to run 2 queries to view the 'logged out' results besides the 'logged in' results to determine if a user's last action has been a 'logout' and thereby not still 'logged in'.   Surely there is a way to get creative with a query and determine who has logged in but not logged out.   I may work on that later but we do not have many users at my company and thus, not a big deal to scan for a few users - machine sessions right now.

It would be great if there something in the Control Room to make this easy -- screen to see the list of logged in users.​   Anyway, I like the Audit Log suggestion Joakim.   While it would be tedious to use the Blue Prism client to view the audit log information about the logged in users, the querying of the BPAAuditEvents is easy.

Brenton Westwood
Systems Analyst
Southern Company

Level 11
Unfortunately BPAAuditEvents sometimes tracks login events without corresponding logout event.
I can see several login events for some users but no logout event.

btw. the events might also be filtered by column sCode: 
L001 = 'logged into'
L002 = 'logged out'

Walter Koller
Solution Manager
Erste Group IT International GmbH


login event without logouts IMO means Blue Prism app crashes when user is logged in.

We are using this kind of select to determine possible logged in users (PossiblyLoggedIN > 0 - most probably user is logged in)

-- change this
use yourBPdatabaseName;

-- using last two days login data
declare @EvDate as date
set @EvDate = GetDate()-2

, EvLogin = (SELECT COUNT(A.[eventid]) from [dbo].[BPAAuditEvents] A where A.gSrcUserID = USR.userid And a.sCode = 'L001' and a.eventdatetime > @EvDate)
, EvLogout = (SELECT COUNT(A.[eventid]) from [dbo].[BPAAuditEvents] A where A.gSrcUserID = USR.userid And a.sCode = 'L002'and a.eventdatetime > @EvDate)
, PossiblyLoggedIN = (SELECT COUNT(A.[eventid]) from [dbo].[BPAAuditEvents] A where A.gSrcUserID = USR.userid And a.sCode = 'L001' and a.eventdatetime > @EvDate) - (SELECT COUNT(A.[eventid]) from [dbo].[BPAAuditEvents] A where A.gSrcUserID = USR.userid And a.sCode = 'L002'and a.eventdatetime > @EvDate)
FROM [dbo].[BPAUser] USR
where username is not null

Mindaugas Breskus
Software engineer