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how to insert image or icon of some bank etc in the blueprism

Level 3
​hi friends,
I have one requirement to attach logo on our company in the mail while sending to the clients, can you please help how to insert image in the blueprism
highlighted part logo to be added along with other details

[Suresh] [Babu] [Team Lead]
RPA Developer
[Deutsche bank]

Level 6
Hi Suresh,

So the way that we did it in a case with MAPIEx was adding the image as an attachment through the "Attachment" parameter of the "Send Mail" action. Then in the "Message" parameter of the "Send Mail" action we included this line in the HTML code "<img src=" & Chr(34) & "cid:" & [Picture File Name] & Chr(34) & "alt=" & Chr(39) & Chr(39) & "/>", note that I've excluded the rest of the HTML code.

I think we got the solution from here: 


Joakim Eklund
Senior RPA Developer
Swedbank AB

thank you Joakim for your help, I tried with attachment but its throwing error as cant convert to image like that, 

I will try again with your solution, ​

[Suresh] [Babu] [Team Lead]
RPA Developer
[Deutsche bank]