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object and process developer or all in one

Level 2
​Hey Guys,

i have a quick question how you do your developments.
Do you habe object and process developer or are your developers all in one?

In my company we have right now all in one. I dont think its that good of an idea, but i wanted to know from the community if you have some experiences.

i would appreciate any feedback.
Thanks a lot.


Alexander Aumueller


Not applicable
The best solution is to have AllinOne. Is easier to handle different processes if there are errors. You will need to have a proper Guidelines Doc for all to follow.  If you think in therms of attrition what you do if you remain with only employees that do Objects? Can't run your business properly etc. Also for a good BCP (Business Continuity Plan is ok to have all hands on all)

RPA Developer


​Thanks for your Opinion.
So far we have all in one Hand. but since we have pretty good documentation we know exactly which objects are used without opening the process in BP. So Errorhandling wont be that big of a deal since we would know where the Problem was and in which object (if error in object).
Our Problem that happened multiple times is, that we have several Developers from 4 different legal entities. and since some of our object became Standard objects. some of those objects Need to be updated for new processes. if 2 developers work on the same object, they overwrite the other ones, when they Import the process from one to the other enviroment.
if we would split it up, there would be more talking to each other needed, but we have specialized developers that know excaty what Needs to be done in the objects to make them fit for new processes. Also the specialist would know whats going on in error situations.
one other possible Option would be, to create lots of Versions of the same objects. and we all know without an acceptable treeview its annoying to find the right object while creating an Action. So not really the best Option.
the last Option i see is, that we stay with how we do it. But to be honest it seems very unefficient since, a monkey could do a process in BP, but only People with programming skills can create objects.

i would appreciate if you would tell me your opinion about my thoughts.

Alexander Aumueller
Sachbearbeiter Digitale Prozesse

Not applicable
This is another side of the coin. Your point is valid, but regarding the objects, people shouldn't move objects, unless you have to create new ones. If the objects are as per guidelines, and they look ok or standard, they shouldn't be touched, so everybody from your team could focus on processes. In general the developer who did the objects/processes should do it's maintenance, if possible, just because he knows what he did out there and also due to the fact that is easier for him to remember all the requirements and/or to read them. From this point of view is easier to have all the peers on all the required processes without having them split.

Would be very nice to put the new joiners to do the objects, just to learn your company's guidelines etc, this is a nice thing, this way they will not gone have a cold shower when they will start coding on BP 😄

RPA Developer


​Youre very right, that they shouldnt. But thats the biggest Problem...

we dont really have a Guideline. Its more like an Agreement. and like 90% of the ppl do as agreed. but not all...

im thinking that we could define different Roles. BP has the Option to give ppl just the rights to edit objects.

we will discuss and think about.
Thank you so much for your opinion!

Alexander Aumueller