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"NO INJECTOR"-Error while reading a MSFlexGrid element

Level 2
Hello there,I am working on automating some processes using a VB application,while I am using a Read Stage to read the data grid in a MSFlexGird element,the process failed with "NO INJECTOR" error message.Would appreciate if someone could shed me some light on this reagrd and help me out.

Level 15
It sounds like you have unticked the 'Restrict to non-invasive automation techiques' check box for some reason?  Has someone advised you to untick that checkbox that is ticked by default.  My advice would be to only select/unselect options where training or an experiecned user has told you to do so.

Level 2
Thank you Denis for your advice.I have checked again and found that the check box 'Restrict to non-invasive automation techiques' is ticked,any other reasons why it did not work?

Level 15
Nothing else I can  think of,  the 'invasive automation techniques' is also known as hooking and that is the underlying cause that you might get that Injector message.  I know of no other reason you might be getting it.

Level 2
The same issue is encountered and  'Restrict to non-invasive automation techiques' is ticked. Robinhe, have you fixed the issue?

Level 15
Another think to check is to ensure that you are matching the application 'bitness' in the application mode, i.e., 32 bit of the application is 32 bit, or 64 bit if the application is 64 bit - and ensure you have the correct bit version of Blue Prism installed for your operating system.

Level 2
Hi Denis, My WIN10 is 64 bit and BluePrism is 64 bit. The target application is a very old VB application and it should be 32 bit.   Best regards.'Roger Lai

Level 2
Have tried all application manager modes, but the issue persists.

Level 2
Hi We are experiencing the same issue. I have checked all of the above as well and the issue is still persistent. Has anyone found a solution to the above yet?   Kind regards