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what did I do...notes screen

Level 4
A nice enhancement would be when you save an object/process and the note window comes up, to show you in someway (any way at all) what changes you actually made. A few times today, 3 to be exact, I have made edits to my current project and then gotten distracted by someone needing help with a technical query and then when I get back to my pc I press save, a prompt comes up and I'm left thinking "wait, what changes did I actually make in this session?" Can I review changes? Can I have a short list view of the changes I have made? It'd be a nice feature, I mean I know it's not critical it's more a QoL type enhancement but still, a little change listing would go a long way sometimes. -Dex

There's always the 'compare version tool' in System Manager.

Level 4
Hi John, I am aware of this functionality but it's not exactly useful as an 'on-the-fly' solution to my quandary. That means I would have to save the work I made, go check it, find every change page per page (maybe there's a lot of changes maybe there isn't), then go back into the process to alter any change I didn't want or even just do all that work to notify myself of all the changes I had made in that save to make sure I didn't miss anything. Really I just want a tool that says snippets of information like xml stage '123' initial value ('foo') deleted and replaced with ('bar') or decision stage 'Decision1' on subpage 'somesubpage' condition removed/added. In a little window pane somewhere this text would be quite useful. But like I said above, it's a Quality of Life idea not a critical enhancement 🙂

OK well our system designers do pay attention to this part of the forum, so thanks for the idea. But to be honest I'd say just press Save more often. I've lost work before when an app (not necessarily BP) hits a problem, or through my own carelessness, so paranoia makes me press save pretty regularly - regularly enough that I know what changes I just made. I don't like to get to a point where I can't remember what I did since the last save.