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Level 3
Status: New
We need an auto size and auto layout functionalities which formats the entire BluePrism page similar to what is available in Visual Studio for SSIS job.

Perhaps with a notification that reverify any recovery blocks in the page. Surely, I am not the only one who get annoyed by new developers arranging the flow of the process in a convoluted manner.
1 Comment
Level 12

Been complaining about a similar issues for years, to no avail!

When opening a window once, and setting your preference to its lsize, position and layout for borders and separators, BP should remember this and apply it next time the same window opens.

Instead BP always opens in the same position and size, and the borders in the wrong place, and we (at least I) spend our time moving windows around and resizing them.

It's a time saver, a standard and frankly a no brainer. What's keeping BP from implementing it?