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We have an enterprise setup with more than 400+ run time resources and as many Digital Workers. Adding a column to the Control Room session view that captures the ID of the DW logged in to a specific run time resource will be of immense help for our production support and operations teams.

Attached is a sample view with Digital Worker ID in Red.

Level 6
Yes, this would provide useful information. This is also close to my idea of a comment field on resources, which also makes the resource list easier to handle
Level 12
A really nice feature would be to have a custom field in Control those content could be changed dynamically. 
One way would be to use predefined events (eg Env User after login, date&time of next scheduled run, last process' final state, ...)
Or to modify this custom field in the process running on this VDI. If this field could then be also read by a process, there would be the possibility for simple logic across processes.

Thank you Vinodh


We were just speaking about something else and I wanted to capture the insight here.


In your setup, Digital Worker translates to the user account that the process was run as.  So, your request is to expand the Session View with logged in user account information too.

Kind regards
Chris Strong
Blue Prism Product Manager



We’ve reviewed this and understand the request as:

·         For each session, record and show the Windows Username that the Runtime resource ran as

·         I’ve made an assumption that this is useful information because this information changes:

o   The same process is run as a different Windows users

o   A Runtime resource is run as different Windows users

I’ve set the status to Under Consideration whilst we review the feasibility of the idea.

Kind regards

Chris Strong

SS&C Blue Prism Product Manager