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Level 4

Chorus' holiday table currently doesn't allow for designating holidays for multiple countries. Other areas of Chorus, such as the data language table, contains a country code designation to allow different settings for different countries. Could something like this be added to the holiday table to allow for multiple holidays to be added?


The Holiday Table is most commonly used to support "Business Day" versus calendar day considerations.  The age/priority recalculation doesn't have the concept of country specific work.  Could you provide some insight as to how you holidays for another country might affect aging?  Or some use cases you might have where you are calculating dates in a service and the country matters?  Or perhaps in reporting?  Thanks in advance.


I also have a use case where a client has people in multiple geographic locations within a single Chorus instance. They manage SLA's through reporting and would like access to location specific holiday table. Just to note - the work isn't shared across locations but SLA reporting requires local holidays to be taken into account.

Level 4

We also have same requirement where we have multiple tenants across multiple countries/jurisdictions. Calculating business days within the same Chorus instance is challenging as there is currently no consider to the country. 


Since aging applies to the "work" itself and not the "worker", what attributes of the work item would you expect to use to configure which country's holiday table applies?  Is it an available piece of data like Business Area or Work type?  Or does it depend on other line of business fields on that work?

Level 4

For us, and if I read the other comments correctly the other two commenters as well, the country association would be at the business area/work type level.