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Level 2
Status: Not Planned
I'm new to RPA and am working on a project that is using region mode to spy a specific place of a form.  I am having some issues getting my object to be able to read the information on the form when running in production from bp.  If I remote into the machine the process works great however once we run on virtual all exceptions. Exception is it now cannot find that part of the form.

Thoughts on how to fix or different ways to spy?
Level 10
Hi Rachelle, This should go into the community forums to seek technical help. Please post the query in community here.
Vivek is right in that this isn't the right forum. But, it sounds like you might be using RDP to access the machine, which will have an effect on automation that depends on the desktop, eg surface automation.
Hi @rbuhrman,

Though I agree with the feedback that potentially this isn't the best forum to seek technical advice, I do wonder if you ever found out what your issue was between Dev and Prod and whether we could have done anything differently in the product to help you diagnose this issue sooner?

Marking as Needs More Info pending your response;.

Status changed to: Not Planned

Closing this idea due to the amount of time that this has been in Needs More Info.