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Level 5
Status: New

File Uploads Back to Interact:
When we upload files from BP to Interact the file got stored into self-serve-private and create a link for us.
Which isn't accessible as through webapage as it stored into self-serve-private.

Proposed workaround :

  1. Write a batch file which will run in the hub server which will synchronize the self-serve and self-serve-private.
  2. As we have moved the files from self-serve-private to self-serve, now  we have to create the url with the self-serve in the link .

And the proposed workaround is not enterprise type solution.

1 Comment
Hi Preetam, 

Thanks for taking the time to engage with us with your idea on Interact. 

Could I please ask you the following to make sure I understand the problem correctly?

You have a use case where you are attaching files from BP to Interact. Is the ability to review the attached files the desired outcome you have in mind?

Looking forward to hearing from you on this idea. 

Many thanks,
Omid Hosseinitabar