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Status: Not Planned


as we have multiple instances of Blue Prism in our enterprise with various license keys, i would be good to have a single license server to manage those keys easier and get a better utilization of the existing bots.

Level 6
Blue Prism Cloud Hub includes this capability.
Level 12
We also have several instances and have to manage them individually.
A license server should also avoid the need to restart application server when licensing changed as recommended by BP (and sometimes really necessary as I just learned the hard way).
This would also allow floating licenses and other features for license management.
Status changed to: Not Planned

Hi @KaiSchöttelndre,

Thanks for taking the time to raise an idea.

Having reviewed your idea, I can confirm that the provision of a single license server to manage licenses over several individual Blue Prism Enterprise environments is not currently part of the roadmap for the on-premise product in the next 12-24 months.

In future, integrations with our Blue Prism Next Generation product may offer more flexibility in relation to license use and management within Blue Prism Enterprise, but not to the point that it could centralize and take over license management full time.


Given this update, I'm going to mark this idea as Not Planned.

