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Level 6
Status: Delivered

Create the Session Log Viewer as a normal window with maximize minimize functions I cant' even use the windows 10 feate to automatically dock it to a side.

Would also be great to save width of coloumns or save the coloumns selection. when I enable or disable a coloumn.

It would also be great to have these coloumn functions when in the workqueue overview.

Definitely would be an (what I think) easy way to increase user experience a lot. So annoying having to re-size the session log window every time again...
Community Team (Retired)
Hi Marco, 

Thanks so much for submitting your idea! We are moving it into the Under Consideration status while we route the idea through our internal review process. 

We will update you as your idea moves along the lifecycle.

Thank you!

Hello @Marco Matuttis 


With the introduction of the browser-based Hub Control Room, which comes with Version 7, you have a superior Session Log Viewer.

This is now hosted within a webpage, so you’ll be able to dock in your Windows 10 environment.

Tip: Within the Online Help, we have an article View the session logs

Kind regards

Chris Strong

SS&C Blue Prism Product Manager
