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Level 7
Status: Not Planned

I would like to be able to store the Output from an action / calculation stage in a 'dynamic' data item. In a loop, I want to store the output from an action/calculation in a different data item for every loop - so I would like to have the option to use something like a 'container' data item which actually holds the name of the data item where the output will be store. Then on every loop I can update the value from the 'container' and the output will be stored in another data item.

Hi @Christopher Janke

Thanks for taking the time to raise your idea.

This is an interesting one. Given the low number of votes, I assume the use case you've described is pretty niche, but I wondered whether you'd be willing to connect at some point to talk me through your requirement in more detail so I could potentially validate it with other customers I speak to?

I'm going to mark this idea as Needs More Info pending your response.



Status changed to: Not Planned

Hi @ChristopherJank,

Given the lack of feedback from my previous comment and the amount of time this idea has been open I'm going to mark this idea as Not Planned based on the fact it's not accrued the required number of votes to be considered for roadmap (vote count is currently 1). If the votes for this idea increase drastically we can revisit this, or alternatively if any other ideas for the same enhancement exist then votes from this idea can be merged into the alternate idea.


