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Level 5
Status: Needs More Info

The view functionality in the studio is too far limited.

If I open a process or BO in view mode, my objective is to open it for READ ONLY purpose. I still want to be able to use all the other functionalities, like using the expression validation, advanced find, and so on.

So the view functionality would be more useful as a read-only mode, instead of a no edit mode.

1 Comment
Status changed to: Needs More Info

Hello @DominiqueDALLER,

Thank you for taking the time to raise an idea.

There are actually 2 "view" modes that already exist in Blue Prism Enterprise which already align to the contrast between "no edit" and "read-only" that you describe, but admittedly this may be more of an oversight than intentional!

The standard "view mode" is accessed when a user has view permission but not edit permission on a process or object OR when you try and open a process or object that another user already has open and rather than remove the lock you select that you just want to view it. In this mode, all controls (including debug controls) are disabled and all users can do is navigate around the process or object, open stage properties and open the application modeller.

The other view mode is accessible when a user with edit permissions selects a process or object they do have permission to edit, right click it and select "View" from the right click menu. In this example, the process or object is opened and all the controls except the ones related to debug are disabled. This means a user can step through and simulate the running of the process or object, but not change anything about it.

Can you confirm that the latter of the two modes is what you're suggesting should be the default in all "view" scenarios? I'm conscious that this may have some unintended consequences, i.e. a user who is editing a process or object being unable to access a single use resource required by the automation (i.e. an excel spreadsheet) because someone else is actively debugging the same asset in whilst in "read-only" mode. Can I ask how you'd suggest this is handled in a scenario where the debug empowered view mode is the new default?

I'm going to mark this idea as Needs More Info awaiting your reply.

