@Nazaret Martinez Bernal,
I'm still not entirely clear on your definition of a combination. Does this mean take the contents of row 1 and append the contents of row 2 to create a new row in a different Collection?
Ex. - We have Collection A, our raw data collection, with 3 columns and 3 rows defined in it. Then we have Collection B, which is our results/output collection.
Collection A
Row 1 = 12, 223, 456
Row 2 = 3, 65, 243
Row 3 = 99, 101, 200
After running the "combination" do we end up with
Collection B
Row 1 (Collection A R1) = 12, 223, 456
Row 2 (Collection A R1, R2) = 12, 223, 456, 3, 65, 243
Row 3 (Collection A R1, R2, R3) = 12, 223, 456, 3, 65, 243, 99, 101, 200
Row 4 (Collection A R1, R3) = 12, 223, 456, 99, 101, 200
Row 5 (Collection A R2) = 3, 65, 243
Row 6 (Collection A R2, R3) = 3, 65, 243, 99, 101, 200
Row 7 (Collection A R3) = 99, 101, 200
Or are you looking to perform a mathematical calculation (ex. addition) on the columns between rows?