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Error when attempt to view the documentation for the selected Business Object icon

Level 5

I have been encountering an error whenever I attempt to view the documentation for the selected Business Object icon. How can I resolve this issue?




Helpful Answers

Level 7


How is your browser target setup in the studio object?

Can you validate if it is correct according to your browser installation?


Have there been any changes to the installation?

To set the browser as default, you must go to Windows settings and go to Applications, type the name of the browser and set it as default.




View answer in original post


Level 5

Even when i click on continue , it still doesn't allow me to view the documentation of a business object. Please kindly assist me to resolve this issue.

Level 4

Hi @blazino17 , probably it occurs because the Blue Prism cannot find the standard navigator or you don't have the internet explorer navigator in your machine

Solutions: You can set Microsoft Edge as your standard navigator

But to help ou in this case I will post here the documentation from this action

Business Object Definition

The information contained in this document is the proprietary information of Blue Prism Limited and should not be disclosed to a third party without the written consent of an authorised Blue Prism representative.
(c) Blue Prism Limited

About this document...

The Business Object Definition describes the APIs available within a single business object, their parameters and their behaviours from both a business and technical perspective. The definition of each object function describes the business function of the interface, the parameters and usage of the business function and any technical notes required in the on-going support of the interface, including reference to the capabilities of the object. The Business Object Definition API is a dual-purpose document designed to serve the needs of both business users and technical system support staff who require information relating to the business functions available and their details. As such, the BOD is a working document and is subject to change during the course of development and implementation.

About Business Objects

Business Objects within the environment (i.e. objects which may be drawn onto a process to capture and replicate a part of a business process) adhere to strict guidelines in their implementation. The definition and behaviour of the object both as seen in Process Studio during design time and as implemented during test or via Control Room at runtime uses the same interface definition, known as an object's capabilities. All business objects used within Blue Prism, generic and bespoke, have a common property - Get Capabilities. The GetCapabilities function returns an XML formatted string which defines the interfaces for that object, their friendly names (as they appear in Process Studio) and any inputs and outputs that are required. The Business Object Definition object captures the name, parameters, preconditions and endpoints of each function relating to a business object and translates to the object definition seen within Process Studio.

1.0 Utility - Environment

Utilities for interacting with the environment - read screen resolution, determine OS type, etc.

The runmode of this business object is "background"

1.1 Clear Clipboard

Clears the clipboard contents.

1.2 Close Window by Process Name

Parameter Direction Data Type Description
Process NameInText 

1.3 Close Window by Window Title

Parameter Direction Data Type Description
Process NameInText 
WindowTitleInTextThe entire window title or just a pece of it but without wildcards

1.4 Font Smoothing Enabled

Gets the font smoothing setting for the current environment.


Parameter Direction Data Type Description
EnabledOutFlagTrue if font smoothing is enabled

1.5 Get Clipboard

Gets the contents of the clipboard.
Parameter Direction Data Type Description
ClipboardOutTextThe value from the clipboard.

1.6 Get Machine Name

Parameter Direction Data Type Description
Machine NameOutTextThe hostname of the machine running this action

1.7 Get Screen Resolution

Gets the resolution of the screen in pixels for the current environment.
Parameter Direction Data Type Description
Horizontal ResolutionOutNumberThe number of pixels in the horizontal screen axis
Vertical ResolutionOutNumberThe number of pixels in the vertical screen axis

1.8 Get User Name

Parameter Direction Data Type Description
User NameOutTextThe name of the logged in user in the current system

1.9 Kill Process

Force kills all processes with a given name.




All processes with the given name will be terminated.
Parameter Direction Data Type Description
Process NameInTextThe name of the process to kill

1.10 Kill Process Window

Force kills all processes with a given name.




All processes with the given name will be terminated.
Parameter Direction Data Type Description
Process NameInTextThe name of the process to kill

1.11 Read Memory Stats

Get memory statistics for a given set of processes including the working set and the virtual memory size.


Parameter Direction Data Type Description
Process NamesInCollectionThe names of the processes to get memory statistics for
- Process NameInText 
- PIDInNumber 
Process StatisticsOutCollectionA collection of process statistics including the working set and the virtual memory size
- Process NameOutText 
- PIDOutNumber 
- Working SetOutNumber 
- Virtual MemoryOutNumber 

1.12 Read Process Working Set

Gets the size of the working set for the given process.
Parameter Direction Data Type Description
Process NameInTextThe name of the process you want stats for
Working SetOutNumberThe working set number holding memory stats for your process

1.13 Run Process Until Ended

Run a process and wait until completion or timeout.
Parameter Direction Data Type Description
ApplicationInTextThe application or shortcut to start
ArgumentsInTextOptional - any arguments needed to run the application
Working FolderInTextOptional - the application working folder
TimeoutInTimeSpanHow long to wait for the application to finish. Default is 10 seconds

1.14 Set Clipboard

Sets the contents of the clipboard.
Parameter Direction Data Type Description
ClipboardInTextThe value to set the clipboard to.

1.15 Start Process

Starts a process directly with the given arguments.
Parameter Direction Data Type Description
ApplicationInTextThe application or short cut to start
ArgumentsInTextAny arguments needed for the app

1.16 Wait for Process

Attach to a process and wait for it to complete.
Parameter Direction Data Type Description
Maximum wait time (seconds)InNumberThe maximum time to wait for the process to complete
Process NameInTextThe name of the process to attach to
Found?OutFlagTrue=process found, false=process not found

1.17 Wait for Process Window

Waits for a process with a given name has displayed a window with the given title.
Parameter Direction Data Type Description
Process NameInTextThe name of the process to attach to
Window TitleInTextThe title of the window within the process
WaitInNumberThe maximum amount of time to wait for

Level 5

please How can I set Microsoft Edge as my standard navigator?  but it has always been opening all of a sudden it started throwing that error as shown above.   

The error keeps throwing up whenever i click on view documentation on any action.

Level 7


How is your browser target setup in the studio object?

Can you validate if it is correct according to your browser installation?


Have there been any changes to the installation?

To set the browser as default, you must go to Windows settings and go to Applications, type the name of the browser and set it as default.




Thank youuuu @Jrwork  @herminio217 , It worked .  I really appreciate your time

Level 7

Excellent, I'm glad I contributed 🤙