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Level 3
I am launching a web page using BP, now I want to add an exception to the same so that if the web page is not launched an exception must be thrown. I have added a "Decision Stage " after " Launch " stage , now in decision stage what expression amIi supposed to give to check whether the web page has launched or not.


Suhas M

Level 7
Hi Suhas, 

You can wait for an element on webpage after launch the application. if element is not found then throw the exception. 
For example - i have an application which navigate to login page after launch. So Launch the application and wait for User ID or Password field on webpage after launch 
Let me know if you need any other info.

Devendra Kumar Prajapati
Tech Lead
Devendra Kumar Prajapati RPA Manager Infosys Chandigarh, India

Hi Suhas,

You can add one of the elements from the web page into Application Modeler that you expect to see once the page has launched. You can then add that element to a Wait Stage with a timeout.
Then connect the timeout to exception. This will throw an exception if the captured element doesn't load within the specified time frame.

Shashank Kumar
DX Integrations Partner Consultant
Blue Prism

Hi Shashank, Thank you for the reply, I used the wait stage as you suggested and it worked.

Suhas M