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Global Send Keys "{ENTER}" not working for a website

Level 3


I'm new to BluePrism.

In Object Studio for "Enter Key" (Global Send Key) ,  I tried the following options, but it didn't work as expected.

Could you please guide me on this

PFB the screenshots.

Screenshot 1:

First Step in Navigate to type "Hello" in the field "Type Input to Search field"(on the webpage)


Screenshot 2:

I tried with "~" and "{ENTER}". After writing "Hello" in the field it should press Enter.


 I tried with Writer stage and then used the Navigate to press Enter.

In Writer Stage the value will be written. But Enter Key didn't respond. Could you please guide me in this.



Helpful Answers

Hi @Cuckoo 

To make a send key try to use UI Mode 

In my experience it work better with the UI mode i mean the search bar should be identified with the UI Mode (sometimes it work with browser we need to test to know). 

Drag and Drop a navigate Stage and make it like this 



1.Search bar : Focus

2Search Bar : Gllobal Mouse Click Center

3Application Name : Global Send key

Its recommanded to use an activate before making a send key to make the window in the front of all others opened windows and make the bot focus on this windows : ).

View answer in original post

Hi @Cuckoo,

Welcome to BP, hope you are having a great time exploring. 

You are the right track but you are missing a few steps which is :

1. Spy the outer window in Win-32 to Activate the application before interacting with it as eg: GoogleChrome_Window in App Modeller (this should be your whole outer window).

2. The way you do it manually is first click on the application then interact with it, here you are not clicking the window so to achieve that, use Element - TypetoSearchInput and in action choose Focus and Click and then pass the Root element  (XE Currency Converter) with action as Global send keys and then in Input pass your data item (Eg: "HELLO")

3. Try to add a time interval of 0.5sec in Pause After Each Step (Best  Practice). 

Give it a try and let us know if you face any issues. 

View answer in original post


Hi @Cuckoo 

To make a send key try to use UI Mode 

In my experience it work better with the UI mode i mean the search bar should be identified with the UI Mode (sometimes it work with browser we need to test to know). 

Drag and Drop a navigate Stage and make it like this 



1.Search bar : Focus

2Search Bar : Gllobal Mouse Click Center

3Application Name : Global Send key

Its recommanded to use an activate before making a send key to make the window in the front of all others opened windows and make the bot focus on this windows : ).

Hi @Cuckoo,

Welcome to BP, hope you are having a great time exploring. 

You are the right track but you are missing a few steps which is :

1. Spy the outer window in Win-32 to Activate the application before interacting with it as eg: GoogleChrome_Window in App Modeller (this should be your whole outer window).

2. The way you do it manually is first click on the application then interact with it, here you are not clicking the window so to achieve that, use Element - TypetoSearchInput and in action choose Focus and Click and then pass the Root element  (XE Currency Converter) with action as Global send keys and then in Input pass your data item (Eg: "HELLO")

3. Try to add a time interval of 0.5sec in Pause After Each Step (Best  Practice). 

Give it a try and let us know if you face any issues. 

Level 3

Thank you for the support!! Issue resolved