31-05-24 05:00 AM
How can we practice Mainframe automation? Any free mainframe emulators available?
It would be great if someone can share details of Blue Prism Mainframe automation with an example.
Thanks for your time!
Dipin Dev P
Answered! Go to Answer.
02-06-24 01:43 AM
Hi @DipinDevP ,
Mainframe is an exciting topic and one can work really good with them if they get an opportunity! Only issue that I have seen which many people ask around is how to get exposure to one since almost 90% of these mainframes are not freely available so yes if your organization does not has access to one, you basically can't explore this route. Anyhow, since I pretty much try to tinker around such limitations a lot, I would like to share today how you can practice with one at your personal system and hopefully this can reach to many people out there who face similar issues!
1) Setting Up Hercules Server:
This means that now our Hercules Mainframe Server is up and running on the localhost server ( and port no. 3270.
All these steps that I showed you as part of step 2 and step 3 is something you will always have to do once you shut down your machine in case you want to practice with this mainframe server on your Blue Prism studio. In enterprise level, we do not care about these things as there we have a fully licenses mainframe server that always runs externally on some other machine.
Now, we the next step is to get a Mainframe emulator application that should be compatible with our Blue Prism tool. There are a variety of mainframe emulators that are either licensed, freely available or can be just used on a trial period basis. I will use one called as Quick3270 Secure emulator which is available for 60 days and then we need to purchase the license if we want to use the same.
2) Setting Up Quick3270 Secure Mainframe Emulator:
Please note the steps shown below are specific to Quick3270 Emulator only and they will change for each different mainframe emulator available out there (IBM Personal Communication, Microfocus Rumba etc.)
Great now, we have successfully setup our mainframe application and good news is that unlike the first setup for Hercules server which needs to be done every time we login to our machine, you don't ever need to repeat the above steps for setting it up the Mainframe Emulator application again. The session file that we created can directly be opened and it would show us the configured session while opening the emulator application.
Now the next step is to finally create two business objects for this application. One business object will be created just to launch the QuickConnect 3270 Secure Mainframe Application in Windows mode while the other business object will be created for attaching to the opened application and connecting to the session file that we saved. Within the second business object we can also incorporate steps for interacting with the Mainframe application as well.
One question that you might have at this point is do we need to create two objects for every Mainframe application? Short answer is it depends on the behavior of every mainframe application and sometimes yes we would create two objects one for launching and one for attaching/interacting while other times only one business object can be sufficient to handle everything related to the application.
31-05-24 09:55 AM
02-06-24 01:43 AM
Hi @DipinDevP ,
Mainframe is an exciting topic and one can work really good with them if they get an opportunity! Only issue that I have seen which many people ask around is how to get exposure to one since almost 90% of these mainframes are not freely available so yes if your organization does not has access to one, you basically can't explore this route. Anyhow, since I pretty much try to tinker around such limitations a lot, I would like to share today how you can practice with one at your personal system and hopefully this can reach to many people out there who face similar issues!
1) Setting Up Hercules Server:
This means that now our Hercules Mainframe Server is up and running on the localhost server ( and port no. 3270.
All these steps that I showed you as part of step 2 and step 3 is something you will always have to do once you shut down your machine in case you want to practice with this mainframe server on your Blue Prism studio. In enterprise level, we do not care about these things as there we have a fully licenses mainframe server that always runs externally on some other machine.
Now, we the next step is to get a Mainframe emulator application that should be compatible with our Blue Prism tool. There are a variety of mainframe emulators that are either licensed, freely available or can be just used on a trial period basis. I will use one called as Quick3270 Secure emulator which is available for 60 days and then we need to purchase the license if we want to use the same.
2) Setting Up Quick3270 Secure Mainframe Emulator:
Please note the steps shown below are specific to Quick3270 Emulator only and they will change for each different mainframe emulator available out there (IBM Personal Communication, Microfocus Rumba etc.)
Great now, we have successfully setup our mainframe application and good news is that unlike the first setup for Hercules server which needs to be done every time we login to our machine, you don't ever need to repeat the above steps for setting it up the Mainframe Emulator application again. The session file that we created can directly be opened and it would show us the configured session while opening the emulator application.
Now the next step is to finally create two business objects for this application. One business object will be created just to launch the QuickConnect 3270 Secure Mainframe Application in Windows mode while the other business object will be created for attaching to the opened application and connecting to the session file that we saved. Within the second business object we can also incorporate steps for interacting with the Mainframe application as well.
One question that you might have at this point is do we need to create two objects for every Mainframe application? Short answer is it depends on the behavior of every mainframe application and sometimes yes we would create two objects one for launching and one for attaching/interacting while other times only one business object can be sufficient to handle everything related to the application.
02-06-24 01:43 AM
Continuation of my post.....
3) Setting Up Business Objects & Process Within Blue Prism:
With this you should be able to practice Mainframe automation on your own for at least 60 days till the trial period of the emulator expires. Also, you can explore other screens and also try to use Wait Stages and other actions that I have not discussed for each stage which will help you ahead.
Also, just as a note once you login into the session you cannot re-login directly, you will need to close the Hercules server from your task tray at the bottom and then repeat the step 2 prior to testing the same.
To conclude, every mainframe more or less will follow the same steps on the Blue Prism end. Just the configuration step can change for every emulator. Hope this helps out people to now explore Mainframe Automation on their own!
02-06-24 07:19 AM - edited 02-06-24 07:20 AM
@devneetmohanty07 Thank you for this explanation and this rich sharing dear Devneet. How lucky we are to have someone like you in our community 😁
02-06-24 03:35 PM - edited 02-06-24 03:36 PM
Thanks @Mohamad_747 a lot for your kind words. Glad this share could be of help and hope it helps more folks as well!
Also, one typo I did at the very end and since I cannot edit the same now so I will mention it here:
As a note once you login into the session you cannot re-login directly, you will need to close the Hercules server from your task tray at the bottom and then repeat the steps mentioned under step 1 prior to testing the same and not step 2 as step 2 is just a one-time setup that needs to be done.
06-06-24 06:15 AM
I never thought of such a detailed explanation! Great work!
Thank you very much for considering my queries.
4 weeks ago
when am trying to spy the outer window of mainframe it is directly converting into gridview mode which we can spy the region of the Mainframe screen. can some please help me out. how to spy the outer window of mainframe using blue prism
first when start spying the mainframe it showing me win32 mode as below
Once i click on the window, it directly converting itself into grid view mode without press Alt button to chnage the spying mode as below, can see the grid mode is coming from the window rather than from black screen