12 hours ago
i am creating a process BP Travel, and i stuck at this this stage of Create Process, the error is displayed. i attach screenshot for reference. can someone guide me how to fix it,
11 hours ago
Hi @Adnan3194
Im assuming what you are doing here is reading a value from the site you are working on and the date value you are having trouble interpreting is the value taken from the site?
If thats the case it looks like the value you are receiving has some single quotes in there so you may want to look at doing a calculation stage to remove these and any white space as well. The calculation would look something like this ToDate(Trim(Replace([Data1],"'","")))
Write the value back to a data item and it should be work from there. You could make sure the new data item you write back to is set as a date value.
Hope this helps
6 hours ago
Looks like the Create Quote action you are calling takes in 2 date values but I am assuming they are text in your Item Data collection. If that is the case then BP is trying to cast the text into a date. My guess is BP is using the same ToDate conversion function that you see in the calculate stage so is expecting a text format of "M/d/yyyy" but looks like your format is "d/M/yyyy".
So I think you need to do some additional calculation some where to either convert those text date values to "M/d/yyyy" format or make you current text value an actual date value and pass that to the Create Quote action.
So something like MakeDate("14", "12", "2024") or ToDate("12/14/2024") and using text functions like Mid, Left, Right to get the actual text details you need from the Item Data fields example Mid([Item Data.Depature Date], 4, 2) would give you the month number if the date format is "dd/MM/yyyy"