Level 2
since ‎09-10-23
3 hours ago

User Statistics

  • 3 Posts
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  • 1 Likes given
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User Activity

We have commissioned a client-facing portal which is being built using the UX Builder and it has been noted that there is no option for a user to log out of the system. We would like to have the option to add a "Logout" button or link to every page i...
We have commissioned a client-facing portal which is being built using the UX Builder and we require more complex client-side validation than is currently possible. For example, if the user were to enter a policy inception date (PID), a policy expiry...
We have commissioned a client-facing portal to give our clients the ability to log cases in our Chorus system and a requirement has been raised by a client who has seen the suggested solution demonstrated: they require that when they have created or ...
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