Level 3
since ‎17-04-19

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Hi, When Bot tried to hit Outlook for every minute to read if mail exist, Blueprism is getting crashed after 10 - 15 mails read. I am not getting any error in Log file if its getting connected. I am using Blueprism v 5.0.23,Outlook 2016 32 bit and ...
  Bot is unable to Get clipboard value from Excel and returning the following error:-   ERROR: Internal : Failed to evaluate expression 'GetClipboard()' - Unhandled error occurred in the GetClipboard function: Requested Clipboard operation did not s...
While reading the data from Excel using MS Excel VBO, bot is unable to get the data as a collection .Please suggest the possible resolution. ERROR: Internal : Could not execute code stage because exception thrown by code stage: Value cannot be null....
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