I am automating a mainframe application that requires a single Ctrl keystroke to navigate to the next screen. All the documentation I have read specifies how to use the Ctrl key in conjuction with another key by using ^ (e.g. "^{END}" for CTRL + End...
Has anyone got a process running 24 x 7 in the operational environment? Have you encountered any issues in this approach? If so, what were they and how did you resolve them?
Hi NishantThere is an Application Assessment Overview and Template on the Blue Prism Portal that should be able to help you with this.Regards,Tim------------------------------Tim GrassamConsulatantBlue PrismEurope/London------------------------------
HiIf I have understood your requirement correctly, the below should update the collection 'in place' (Paste into an empty BP Process) it should look like this:
<process name="__selection__Community collection"><stage stageid="a0a61832-648a-4db7-...
Hi ArghyaYou could start by looking on the Blue Prism website:https://www.blueprism.com/product/blue-prism-cloud/Regards,Tim------------------------------Tim GrassamConsulatantBlue PrismEurope/London------------------------------
Hi EstebanSend Keys should be sent to the root element (i.e. the application) rather than individual elements that have been spied - regardless of spy mode. See p2 of the attached guide:
Re question 4:The clean up action cannt be called within the process. If you require bespoke clean up activity, then it could be exposed as a published action. But you cannot 'release object from process memory during a process---------------------...