Hi Zdeněk Kabátek: No I am not getting successfull response while executing the APi Call from Blueprism only If execute the API Call via below link I am getting successful response!https://developers.google.com/gmail/api/reference/rest/v1/users.mess...
Hi @Zdeněk Kabátek: Thanks for responding. Yes I am using G-Suite Account and I have made the changes but now I having different error! Not sure what is the issue. I have also tested the API Settings in "https://developers.google.com/gmail/api/refere...
Hi BP Community Users: Have anyone encountered the above issue while working with GMail API. If you have any solution can you help me. Thanks...------------------------------Arthanareeswaran ChandrasekaranTechnical Lead/ ArchitectIBMAsia/Singapore---...
Hi @ewilson: Thanks for responding. I have updated my API KEY in Credentials under "Google OAuth2 JWT Credential" in below format'----- BEGIN PRIVATE KEY -----'\n AIza---kuE \n'----- END PRIVATE KEY -----'\n. While Executing getprofile I am getting b...
Hi Zdeněk: I am trying to automate GMail API using the Skill from DX. Can you help me to share any specific guide from Blueprism to perform the list of configurations. I am trying to send my private KEY in Credentials using getProfile action. I am ge...