There are a few tips on here to try, but the lesson learned for us is to always do dev in a mirrored environment for production. We have stuck with HTML and SLA spy modes since this hasn't been resolved.------------------------------Chris Ellenburg -...
Tejaskumar, if you open Chrome and in the URL go to chrome://accessibility it'll open another page with the accessibility settings. The "--force-renderer-accessibility" string turns on most if not all of the Accessibility Modes in that tab.----------...
I believe this may be due to not having a runtime resource running. Make sure that you have the scripts in place to kick it off or go into Blue Prism settings and allow it to run when Blue Prism is launched. Thanks!------------------------------Chris...
I agree with Ben, I would up your color tolerance. That has helped me in the past with finding items consistently.------------------------------Chris Ellenburg - KeyMark, Inc.------------------------------
Max,As your Chrome version updates, you'll want to make sure your browser extension is upgrading as well. Also, we've noticed some issues with spying in chrome in accessibility mode. On desktops, it'll pull the UIA Automation ID but on some servers, ...