Level 3
since ‎18-04-19

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Hi , I have process that works while i run from Dev environment from control room , it works. But when I try to run it using login agent it fails to click on elements Please let me know how this can be resolved, Thanks
Hi I trigger a process from a remote desktop and disconnect the remote desktop the process fails to identify elements and send global mouse clicks any other way to achieve this functionality
I have two errors: 1. Unable to Set Tex contents in Java Mode Cannot use write to type in any details into an application 2. While selecting a particular item that is invisible in list I get index out of bounds error It only works when I scr...
I have two errors: 1. Unable to Set Tex contents in Java Mode Cannot use write to type in any details into an application 2. While selecting a particular item that is invisible in list I get index out of bounds error It only works when I scr...
I am trying to spy java applet elements and BP crashes when I click on any element I have enabled java access bridge and I am able to see the elements , but as soon as I spy any one element Automate.exe stops working