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Process working in Dev Mode but fails when Trying to use login agent

Level 3
Hi , I have process that works while i run from Dev environment from control room , it works. But when I try to run it using login agent it fails to click on elements Please let me know how this can be resolved, Thanks

Level 3
Kindly give more details about error message as well as a screenshot of the environment with Login Agent configured. Thanks

The resource PC you use to run the Login process cannot run a 'normal' process. This resource pc runs in the 'system space', ie before the machine is logged in. What you need to do is have another resource pc start after the machine is logged in. Normally this is done by placing a shortcut in the Windows startup folder. This 'second' resource pc is the one which should in your process. This should be the sequence of events. Machine boots up, login agent service starts, background resource pc starts Login process is run on the background resource pc Machine logs in New 'user space' resource pc starts, old 'system space' resource pc closes down User process runs on new resource oc

Level 3
Thanks John Would there be any cases where I can see the Clicks happening on when I am developing the process and it works from Control room and It doesnt work on the Resource PC with Login agent running the Process