Hi, Since my Twilio Mobile number originates from US, you have to find the number code to dial internationally instead of the + sign.For my US number, the numbers replacing the + is 011 e.g. 0116512345678The skill somehow removes the + sign.Regards, ...
Have you enabled the WhatsApp in Twilio?https://www.twilio.com/console/sms/whatsapp/learnTo send messages with WhatsApp in production, you have to wait for WhatsApp to formally approve your account. But, that doesn't mean you have to wait to start bu...
Twilio has an API for WhatsApp.https://www.twilio.com/whatsapp/api?pdv=c&pcrid=313326800043&pmt=b&pkw=%2Bwhatsapp%20%2Btwilio&campaign=G_S_Brand_Beta_INTL&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=%2Bwhatsapp%20%2Btwilio&utm_campaign=G_S_Brand_Beta_I...
If you have a US based Twilio number, you will need to prefix your Send mobile number with "011"
For some reason, Twilio skill removes the + sign for international
011 is the equivalent of + in US.
Regards, Jay#SMS Messaging#Collaboration Skill#...