Level 4
since ‎18-04-19

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Hi all, Is there a VBO For SharePoint operations - API or UI Automation ? Provided by blue prism  Thank you in advance.------------------------------THAKUR RANVEER SINGHRPA DEVELOPERAsia/Hyderabad9849000203------------------------------
Hi ,Unable to read the combo box text in java application.  I've tried using get text, get selected text, but no luck . Is there any resolution for it using Java mode itself ? For now I have used region mode and applied relative coordinates to read t...
Hi , Can we update the existing chart/graph of one excel workbook using the data source from another workbook.  Is it possible to do it from blue prism code stage / excel vbo ? Pls guide.Thanks in advance. Best Regards, Ranveer-----------------------...
Hi,  How can we find the internal ID of the process or object ? . Thanks in advance------------------------------THAKUR RANVEER SINGHRPA DEVELOPERIBMAsia/Kolkata------------------------------
Hi,In the Remote desktop connection, I've have spied the region but when I use the global mouse click. it doesn't click on the region. I've also used click center option. How can this be resolved?------------------------------THAKUR RANVEER SINGHRPA ...
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