Level 4
since ‎18-04-19

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I'm trying to import .csv to Excel workbook so that I can save it in .xls format. When I use Import csv action it throws an error mentioned below: Invalid index. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8002000B (DISP_E_BADINDEX))   Can anyone please suggest on...
I'm trying to import .csv to Excel workbook so that I can save it in .xls format. When I use Import csv action it throws an error mentioned below: Invalid index. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8002000B (DISP_E_BADINDEX))   Can anyone please suggest on...
Hi , I'm facing an issue with one of the elements which is spied using AA mode. Error : Failed to perform Navigate stage in step 1 - Error creating windows handle. Even after retrying it doesn't work. But when the machine is rebooted and then the ...
Hi, Can Blueprism read a file in a data lake from Hadoop? If yes, how and is there a ready VBO that can be used or requires custom coding?   Thanks, Narendra
Hi, I'm facing an issue which is explained below: Scenario 1 : Run login agent from control room and then run process on vm (WITHOUT OPENING VM through REMOTE Desktop connection). All the elements spied don't bring the right data even when the proc...