Thanks for creating this process, we found it worked well in version 6.4 of Blue Prism,
I was wondering if there was an updated version to work with version 6.10.1------------------------------Ben McNicolDeveloperBunningsAustralia/Melbourne---...
Hi Ryan,
That's excellent,
Another nice feature might be the ability to get emails based on search terms.
Use query parameters to customize responses - Microsoft Graph | Microsoft Docs
$searchReturns results based on search criteria./me/messages?$sea...
Hi Ryan,
Really enjoy using the Outlook API
Are there any plans to add some of the following actions?
Move Email Between FoldersSet FlagsSet TagsMark As ReadGet AttachmentsSend Attachments
Ben------------------------------Ben McNicolDevelo...
Thanks for your reply,
The application isn't publicly accessible.
I've implemented a convert to number with an exception stage that retrieves the left value if the number conversion fails. This works well for reading the cell.
I think i can use some...