Level 3
since ‎18-04-19

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  • 14 Posts
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When is UX Builder going to be available in Blue Prism Enterprise and/or Cloud?Thank you.Cheers!Terry
On May 10th, 2022, a zero-day vulnerability was reported in the Windows Operating System which, when exploited, allows an attacker to authenticate to a domain controller. The attack targets the Windows Local Security Authority (LSA) and when combined...
How does Decipher competitively compare to Hyperscience, Abbyy and Automation Hero?
How does Decipher compare with Hyperscience, Automation Hero and Abbyy for extracting data from mortgage application documents?------------------------------Terry WoodsCEORPA Implementation, Inc.America/Toronto------------------------------
At what point does Decipher delete the documents that have been submitted for data extraction? The Decipher Installation Guide (below) suggest documents may accumulate in Decipher storage.
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