Level 5
since ‎18-04-19

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It would be really useful for the BP application server to refresh the active directory links within an organisation on a regular basis. Currently, in order to 'flush' through changes to AD e.g. addition or removal of people from groups, you need to ...
​What are people's thoughts around having separate components for Blue Prism e.g. separate control room web tool & separate process/object studio?This might help with simplifying for segregation of duties and provide a better route for future upgrade...
​It would be useful to have the ability to select existing packages as part of creating a new one. This would allow you to package up pre-existing assets / components to incorporate within your future releases.
​Keeping up-to-date with the latest version is Blue Prism is sensible. However, this does cost time, money and effort on enterprises. Being able to apply patches over existing installations would be beneficial.For instance, the with Google Chrome's f...
Morning all, any idea what the Microsoft policy is for screen lock on Win10 so we can disable it? thanks