We have got an issue on production VM which is causing bot to fail on elements which are inspected using AA (Active Accessibility) mode.
Bot was working fine for almost 4-5 months and suddenly it stopped working.
When I launch Blue Prism training application through 'Navigate' stage and then put login logic in the same action of a object then it works. But if I place launch in another action of same object and call the action from login action then it fails w...
I am working with Code Stage and I came across Global Code tab on Initialize page. I am curious to know what is this Global Code exactly. What is the likening of same in traditional programming languages.
Shahaji Suryawanshi
Hi All,I am also facing issue in embedding image in email body as inline. I am using BP v6.3. I have tried this with 'Microsoft outlook email VBO' Send Email action. I added "cid:img.png" in HTML IMG tag and provided that image path as input paramete...
Try {DOWN} as Global Send Keys if {PGDN} is scrolling too down. You can use {DOWN 2} if you want to get effect of pressing down arrow key twice.
Hi Nithin,
I am also facing the same issue for launching one of the application. Let me do some RnD and get back to you. Please update if you have fixed this issue.
Shahaji S