Can you use the Save As functionality of the browser? That way you can set the file name yourself.------------------------------Tom MaloneyArchitectnBotix, Inc.America/Chicago------------------------------
Check the version of the BP Chrome extension. It may have been upgraded as part of the Windows update. There are other posts about the Chrome extension.------------------------------Tom MaloneyArchitectnBotix, Inc.America/Chicago---------------------...
I've had this issue as well. Seemed like the the version 2.1 of the extension had intermittent issues with BP 6.5, so I rolled back to extension version 2.0.1. The issue was that the extension eventually updates after Chrome launches. This worked for...
What data type is Data.Quantity? If it is an unstructured collection, it is probably Text. You may have to covert it before comparing - ToNumber([Data.Quantity]) > 99------------------------------Tom MaloneyArchitectnBotix, Inc.America/Chicago------...