Level 5
since ‎10-06-19

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​I recognize that the scheduling of "Login Agent" should be "Task (1): Login → Task (2): Business Process → Task (3) Logout".As a best practice, is it correct to "when the login process moves, if the robot is logged in with the appropriate user, exec...
​ Just as I update the version when the system changes, I want you to know what has changed when the contents of the ROM are updated.If there is a place where information is published collectively about the update of ROM, please let me know.=====ご担当者...
When setting up a business object in the action stage, I want you to be able to open and close (+-) the tree structure of the pull-down for each group or object. It will be more likely to find the action.=====ご担当者様アクションステージのビジネスオブジェクトを設定するプルダウンのツリー構造...
When I check for changes to a process or object, I want a visual way to understand it, such as "Compare", and a way to understand it by writing like a list. (Example of the list:  Input BB of XXX page AAA action has been changed to CC) )=====ご担当者様作成し...
When you rename a data item or collection, you are asked,"Do you want to change the name in the referenced action?" I want a function that confirmation comes out. If possible, it is good to come out only when you change from the initial value.===ご担当者...