Hello @Ndauti - Best practice is to access the application and spy everything according to the system/machine resolution. If the machine resolution isn't good enough, get the resolution settings changed permanently by the admin. If the machine resolu...
Hello @Nandhakumar OLEDB has connected to excel A and B successfully, that doesn't mean it has all the write access to both of them.You can retrieve the data even it opened by someone else, but you cannot write/edit when it's been fully opened by som...
Hello @BhavithraLaksh - You can configure Blue Prism API and achieve with RESTful endpoints that serves as a wrapper. Just create 2 APIs to start your process with POST and collect the status of process with GET.
Hello @mateusz.karpik - usually it should be working with PowerShell "Expand-Archive -Path yourfile.zip -DestinationPath yourDestinationPath"(If your machines have) - Try to do the front-end automation with 7 zip or winrar? (It's a basic desktop appl...
Hello @jacktian_opal - I think it will benefit organizations security terms according to access privileges given to users and groups in different environments.While the change is intended to improve security by preventing the exposure of sensitive da...