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Reading Tables (Get Table) after switching from IE to Chrome and update BP 6.3 to 6.10.5

Level 3

Hello everyone,

we are currently updating our BP to version .6.10.5. At the same time, we need to switch from IE to Chrome. With the help of the "Application Modeller Conversion Tool" the conversion of most objects worked very well. Unfortunately, we can no longer read tables in browser mode. Reading a table is only possible in UIA mode, but takes an extremely long time (33 lines = 2:14 min). Since we have to read several tables in the course of a process, sometimes with 150 rows, our processes then no longer make sense. At the same time, the last line number must be specified. However, since the number of lines also varies constantly, the next problem arises here.

I haven't found the solution for browser mode yet

In IE it was the element type "HTML element", with its help and Get Table you could then read out the entire table. I can't find the "Get Table" function in Chrome anymore. Here I can only identify the entire table in the element type "Table (Web)" so that I can select "Get Table Item" for reading. However, the reading is then aborted - timeout.

Does anyone have any experience/solutions on how to solve the problem using browser mode. I've tried all possible variants - unfortunately without any success. I haven't found anything in the communities either that points to a solution.

Maybe the solution is very simple, I just can't figure it out :-).

I would appreciate suggestions for a solution.

Best regards

Ingo Wachs

RPA Developer im

Continentale Versicherungsverbund a.G

Property Private Controlling & Coordination

Ruhrallee 92, 44139 Dortmund

Phone: (0231) 919-4363

Ingo Wachs
Continentale Versicherungsverbund a.G.

Helpful Answers


Hi Ingo Wachs - I would recommend Edge - I felt "Edge" was more reliable to me while dealing with such objects during migration - Also it gives you flexibility to enable to IE compatible mode for legacy websites which are not supported over the modern browser - in those cases the HTML mode can be enabled while setting up the modeller and choosing Browser Based Application(IE) but the browser path to be kept as Edge with IE Compatibility mode on - it becomes handy when choosing Edge as your browser for all web application which can even load the IE based legacy app - However this is for awareness only, coming back to your issue -

  • Try Switching to Edge and Try to locate the Table element if not - then use the Application Navigator and look for Table in the element Tree.
  • If you are not able to load or read the table fully - Try using Dynamic Path - Read one element of table and create a Dynamic path by observing how element path changes on the actual table Column by Column and Row by Row - Create a defined collection and pass the elements/data you require to read and load it into your collection.

There are additional threads on the community where people have faced similar issues and one them were addressed well by one of the prominent developers in my contacts @devneetmohanty07 , you can see this thread here, where Devneet has listed in detail response to cater such issues :

Kindly up vote this as "Best Answer" if it adds value or resolves your query in anyway possible, happy to help.


Mukesh Kumar - Senior Automation Developer

NHS England, United Kingdom, GB


Mukesh Kumar

View answer in original post



Hi Ingo Wachs - I would recommend Edge - I felt "Edge" was more reliable to me while dealing with such objects during migration - Also it gives you flexibility to enable to IE compatible mode for legacy websites which are not supported over the modern browser - in those cases the HTML mode can be enabled while setting up the modeller and choosing Browser Based Application(IE) but the browser path to be kept as Edge with IE Compatibility mode on - it becomes handy when choosing Edge as your browser for all web application which can even load the IE based legacy app - However this is for awareness only, coming back to your issue -

  • Try Switching to Edge and Try to locate the Table element if not - then use the Application Navigator and look for Table in the element Tree.
  • If you are not able to load or read the table fully - Try using Dynamic Path - Read one element of table and create a Dynamic path by observing how element path changes on the actual table Column by Column and Row by Row - Create a defined collection and pass the elements/data you require to read and load it into your collection.

There are additional threads on the community where people have faced similar issues and one them were addressed well by one of the prominent developers in my contacts @devneetmohanty07 , you can see this thread here, where Devneet has listed in detail response to cater such issues :

Kindly up vote this as "Best Answer" if it adds value or resolves your query in anyway possible, happy to help.


Mukesh Kumar - Senior Automation Developer

NHS England, United Kingdom, GB


Mukesh Kumar

Level 6

Hello Ingo

A couple of other options to what Mukesh suggests

@LesleyCase shared a way of using the IFrame to get the table data - which is really fast and I am sure she will be happy to share here too.

You can set your read table element in browser mode to Get HTML and then pass the html through a BP object: Utility - BPC- HTML Manipulation which has an action: Convert HTML Table (With Header) to Collection which is also really fast. I think this utility object should be included in your 6.10.5 build. This works for Chrome and Edge.

Good luck


Kirk Russell Senior Robotics Developer
NHS Dorset

Level 5

Hi Ingo,

The steps for using the IFRAME as @Kirk Russell mentioned are as follows:

Spy the IFRAME
Create a 'new window' spy to allow you to open a new tab in Edge
Use a read stage in an object to pull the 'src' (source) attribute from the IFRAME
Use a navigation stage in an object to open the IFRAME source using the 'new window'
You should now be able to spy the HTML table as normal

Lesley Case
RPA Developer
Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust
Lesley Case
Senior RPA Developer, Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust

Hi Igno,

One suggestion before changing the type to Table (Web), check if the element is table type or not. You can check it from BP path if the path ends in "/Table" then it is a table and the Element type must be Table also. Sometimes if you spy on a table it is like you are spying on a table but it may be the outer region of the table which may be written in DIV or some other parameter.

If you need further please feel free to message me I will be more than happy to debug the issue.

Amlan Sahoo
Senior RPA Consultant
Amlan Sahoo

Hello Mukesh,

Thanks for your tip. Unfortunately, the Edge option is not for us, as our company is committed to Chrome.

Your link to the discussion: "Using browser mode not able to capture the table in chrome browser" was the crucial hint.

I think with the help of Devneet's explanations I was able to solve my problem.

Big thanks also to Kirk, Lesley and Amlan.

I hope everything is understandable, because unfortunately I don't speak English very well and I had Google translate it :-).

Until next time.

Stay healthy

Ingo Wachs

RPA Developer im

Continentale Versicherungsverbund a.G

Property Private Controlling & Coordination

Ruhrallee 92, 44139 Dortmund

Phone: (0231) 919-4363

Ingo Wachs
Continentale Versicherungsverbund a.G.

Ingo Wachs
Continentale Versicherungsverbund a.G.

Cheers Ingo Wachs  !!

Kindly up vote this as "Best Answer" if it adds value or resolves your query in anyway possible, happy to help.


Mukesh Kumar - Senior Automation Developer

NHS England, United Kingdom, GB

Mukesh Kumar