What's New: Customer Newsletter: June

Enjoy this month's newsletter, packed with all the highlights and updates, and savor the festive spirit that June brings!

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Community Team
Community Team

As June signals the start of the second half of the year, we’re eager to share an exciting period filled with global events and groundbreaking innovations. We’ve been on the road, continuing to roll out our SS&C Blue Prism Live event series, and have thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to spend some time with you all in person. Don’t worry if you haven’t had a chance yet! We still have a few events lined up for our friends in Latin America and Australia, so watch our events page to find your next local event!

Enjoy this month's newsletter, packed with all the highlights and updates, and savor the festive spirit that June brings!

Read on to...

  • How to drive cultural adoption with automation programs
  • Phasing out our Installation Engineer Certification
  • What's new with our new Next Generation
  • Grab a piece of cake, and celebrate the 5 years of Community with us!
  • And more!



This special shared space we’ve created together harbors a wealth of happy memories, moments and collaborative victories — both big and small. This community has meant so much to so many people, and as we cross this five-year milestone, we want to take a moment to look back and celebrate the ways we’ve been boundless, together.

In the next few weeks, we’ve got some exciting content lined up for you, including trips down memory lane and features of individuals who have helped make the community what it is today. Most importantly, we've also got some exciting activities that YOU can join to be part of the fun!

Share your memories for a chance to receive your own slice of our birthday cake and join in to unlock some special surprises on the Community!





Driving Success: Cultivating Cultural Adoption for Your Automation Programs

Automation drives efficiency and innovation, but success requires more than just technology — cultural adoption is key. Join us as we explore how to create a culture that embraces automation and drives sustainable business outcomes. Read the full blog to unlock the full potential of intelligent automation in your organization.


Next Generation Continues to Level Up! Here’s What’s New

Since its launch in March 2024, SS&C | Blue Prism®️ Next Generation has introduced updates to enhance your intelligent automation experience.
Tom Sadler, director, product management, shares some recent key improvements with the Community, including easier environment deployments, enhanced process management, streamlined monitoring and auditing, and backend upgrades for better functionality.




NOTICE: Microsoft's New Outlook Client and the Outlook VBO

Please be advised that Microsoft's newest Outlook client DOES NOT support COM interop. What that means is the Outlook VBO will not work with this newer Outlook client. See the following reference from Microsoft regarding supported features with the new Outlook client software.

The solution, at the moment, is to not use Microsoft's latest Outlook client on runtime resources. Alternatively, you could consider using the newer Microsoft 365 - Outlook VBO which leverages Microsoft's Graph API (RESTful web service) instead of COM interop and the Outlook client software.




The EU AI Act: The Finish Line Is in Sight

Discover how the EU AI Act is nearing finalization and aims to establish comprehensive regulations for AI, ensuring ethical and safe use across the European Union.


Is AI a Collaborative Force In The Workplace?

Learn how AI is evolving from merely an automation tool to a collaborative force in the workplace, enhancing human skills, decision-making and team collaboration.




Old Mutual Sets Solid Foundation for RPA Success With Professional Services

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As one of Africa’s leading financial services organizations, Old Mutual Life Assurance South Africa empowers customers to achieve lifelong financial goals. For over five years, they’ve used intelligent automation to boost customer service and stay competitive. To enhance performance, leverage new features and cut infrastructure costs further, Old Mutual partnered with SS&C Blue Prism’s professional services for their RPA upgrade.


Blueprint: Faster Release Management

SS&C Blue Prism Community MVP Andrzej Silarow realized that the process of submitting an automation to the Release Management team was a task that, in itself, could be automated. So that's exactly what he did!
Discover how he cut down the release management process from three hours to 45 minutes in our latest Community Blueprint.




Say Goodbye to Our Installation Engineer Certification

We would like to bring you an important update regarding our Certification offerings. As part of our ongoing effort to provide the most relevant and up-to-date intelligent automation certification programs, we’ve decided to retire the Installation Engineer Certification. The final opportunity to take the Installation Engineer(v6) exam is September 30, 2024.




Knocking The Socks Off The FinOps Paradox

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Explore how FinOps is redefining cloud cost management, featuring insights from Michael Christoforou, senior director of product development at SS&C Blue Prism, along with contributions from other industry experts. This piece delves into the widespread adoption and nuanced impacts of FinOps on business operations


Taking Gen AI Mainstream With Next-Level Automation

Discover how the integration of generative AI and intelligent automation (IA) transforms business operations with enhanced data governance, security and accountability. Insights from Michael McLaughlin, VP of cloud alliances and channel at SS&C Blue Prism, highlight the practical applications, benefits and challenges of these technologies.




Step Into a World of Innovation at SS&C Blue Prism Live

SS&C Blue Prism Live is a must-attend event for those wanting to stay at the forefront of this ever-evolving landscape.

Join industry leaders, experts and innovators for an immersive experience. Register now and stay ahead with Next Gen advancements.

Don't miss the chance to join us in person at our next BP Live event near you!

São Paulo, July 16


Stockholm, September 11


Our online events are up and running. In fact, we have a lot planned! Join us and be part of something extraordinary. Reserve your spot now to gain new insights into the world of intelligent automation.

TEI Webinar with Forrester Analysts, On-Demand


Exploring the Dynamics of Automation Adoption, July 24, 12:00 p.m. BST


Unlock Sustainable Growth with Strategic Automation, July 16, 8:30 a.m. IST





Every Review Means a Donation!

Did you know that for every review left about us on G2, we donate $10 to the World Central Kitchen to provide meals to those in need in the wake of natural and humanitarian disasters? Why not support a good cause while helping your peers and fellow organizations make informed decisions for their automation strategies!