@Aisha Saeed,
The GitHub repo was taken offline, but everything related to the integration should be included in the zip file that's available on the DX asset page. There is an example process that's shown in the documentation, but you don't require that. You can use any process you have, so long as it's something you can expose as a SOAP web service.
The integration is designed to be generic. In other words, it exposes 3 actions:
GetProcessList, and
GetProcessSchema. With these three actions, Power Platform can interrogate your Blue Prism environment to get all of the exposed processes and their input schemas. Then when you create your Flow definition, you'll have a
Start Process action that you can drop on the flow and select from available BP processes to run.
As for voting options in the Outlook VBO, they didn't exist until you asked for them.
😁 We've just added a quick update to the
Send Email action to support this feature. There is now an optional input field called
Voting Options. All you need to do is pass in a semicolon-delimited string of values. Those will be rendered as the choices in the vote. In my case, Microsoft 365 displays it as depicted below:


This will be version 6.10.3 of the VBO and we should have it posted to the DX within the hour.
Eric Wilson
Director, Integrations and Enablement
Blue Prism Digital Exchange