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Blue Prism Tags

Level 3
We are in the middle of doing the DB housekeeping recently. One of the concern is our BPATag table record is huge and sometime it caused our process run into Deadlock when they are running in multiple BOTs.
May I know how many tags you have been created so far throughout the entire processes? Did you faced any performance issue or deadlock when your process deal with tags in Work Queue?

SeeAnn Loh
Senior Programmer

Tags are intended as labels to group or classify queue items, eg male/female, loan account/credit card account/savings account. They aren't designed to carry unique values like customer IDs, phone numbers etc, and filtering on tags can result on DB performance issues when there are a high number of unique tags. What is a high number is hard to say as there are lots of unknown dependencies such as table sizes, solution design, infrastructure etc.

If you contact Support they will be able to advise you on housekeeping and may provide you with clean up scripts.

John Carter
Professional Services
Blue Prism

Where can i save values like customer IDs, phone numbers etc? A Export Report is to shaky. We need the unique values in the queue informations.

Ron G

You can modify the Item Data collection and then update the queue item via the Set Data action

John Carter
Professional Services
Blue Prism

I can not see the Item Data collection in "control room  / Environment", But we need this tags to control processes, bug finding and customer informations. The ItemKey is sometimes not unique and we must tag the unique informations.

Ron G